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July 13, 2004-BOS
Chichester Board of Selectmen
July 13, 2004   

PRESENT: Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Administrator Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00pm.     

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: Deputy Fire Chief Mike Paveglio, Building Inspector Dave Paveglio, Road Agent David Kenneally, and Police Lieutenant Bob Kitson

HWY – The department has been screening loam and gearing up for work to begin on Hutchinson Road. A fax has been received indicating the new truck is ready.  The Road Agent will need to get his Commercial Drivers License.  Mr. Kenneally will call and verify the truck is ready.  

PD - The Board signed the authorization form for the OHRV Grant awarded from Fish & Game.  The department has been cracking down on speeders, hitting a lot of the back roads. The extra cost to the equipment on the new cruiser is due to the upgraded warranty on the light bar.  The additional cost will be taken from the equipment line.

FD – The propane bids were scheduled to be opened tonight.  The Town did not receive any.  The Fire Department will go ahead and contact a vendor and have an additional above ground tank installed for the generator.  This will complete the expenses on this grant.  A helicopter was used recently for a training exercise.  The Fire Department is working with Emergency Management Director, John Martell on the ongoing All Hazard Mitigation Plan. Mr. Joe Austin has submitted a copy of plans to the department for a proposed fire pond on his property. Initial review of the plan shows that the topography may be too steep for this to be feasible for the departments use.

BI – As of today, the building inspector has not received a response from Mr. Merullo.   
Mr. Paveglio shared a draft document he has compiled to be used in conjunction with the building permit.  This application would provide all departments with the pertinent information on the complete project.  A suggestion from the group was to create a separate one for commercial building projects.  Mr. Paveglio will work on this and perhaps a revised fee schedule to propose to the town.

SUBJECT: Conservation Commission
PRESENT: Jeff Andrews

Mr. Andrews informed the Board of a proposed easement to the Town from Barbara & Ed Ferman.  They are proposing a six acre conservation easement that will include a two acre pond.  The easement would afford the Town passive recreation and more protected open space. The Conservation Commission would like to have it reviewed by the town attorney.  The Board will review it and make their recommendation to the Conservation Commission.  Mr. Andrews also asked for the Board’s comments on the brochure compiled by the commission.  They would like to make these available during Old Home Day.   

Mr. Andrews updated the Board on the proposal to purchase land from the Plummers to gain safer access to Marsh Pond.  The next step is obtaining an appraisal of value on the land.  The commission will keep the Selectmen informed.   

Mr. Andrews again reminded the Board of the Town’s responsibility to maintain the mowing of the Shaw Field.  Selectman MacCleery suggested contacting the Fire Department about burning it off.  


The bridge proposal from CLD, covering engineering costs for the Webster Mills Bridge Project was discussed. The initial reaction from the Board was that the proposal seemed high.  The proposal includes engineering for a timber bridge as well as concrete.  The Selectmen and the Road Agent had agreed on a pre-cast concrete design. The Board instructed Mr. Kenneally to contact CLD and request that they resubmit the proposal based on a pre-cast concrete arch design only.  Further, Selectman DeBold requested an explanation be included as to why forty (40) hours are proposed for deed research.

Selectman MacCleery discussed the payment for use of the excavator before the insurance coverage was in effect.  Mr. Kenneally stated the insurance was in effect but the date listed on the certificate of insurance was the date in which he picked up the certificate from the agency.  Mr. Kenneally will call and have that correction made.  Discussion took place as to when the excavator is needed versus using the town owned backhoe.  The Board asked the Road Agent to show how it was cost effective.  Mr. Kenneally stated it’s a judgment call; some of the culverts he has replaced are too deep to be done with the backhoe.  Also, whether or not to close the road to get the work done is a factor to be considered.  Chairman Colbert asked the Road Agent if he didn’t own the excavator would he be using it the way he has.  Mr. Kenneally responded by saying absolutely, last year at this time he was paying WD Matthews Equipment Rental for the same type of work.

The issue of the new one ton being taken home at night was discussed.  Selectman DeBold and Chairman Colbert felt this made good sense in the case of being called out after hours.  The Board recommended an inventory of all tools and equipment be taken and maintained by the Road Agent.  The policy of individuals working on private vehicles at the shed was discussed. It has been discussed in the past and the gentlemen’s agreement has been up to the discretion of the Road Agent who determines what vehicles and what procedures are allowed, as in the case of a truck under contract, which breaks

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down during a snowstorm, the Road Agent has allowed that truck to be repaired in the
shed.  The agreement is for use by the trucks under contract only, as allowed by permission of the Road Agent.  It was recommended to put this policy in writing to prevent future conflicts.  The Board asked Mr. Kenneally to take care of the removal of the two lawn tractors that have been at the shed all winter.  


There was no propane bids received.

The Selectmen reviewed the RSA for alteration and upgrading of a Class VI road.  The Board agreed Mr. Steven’s project would fall under the scope of RSA 231:8, altering the roadway.  Lisa will contact Mr. Stevens with this information.  A public hearing may be scheduled once the town has received a petition and not until so.  

Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Chairman Colbert to accept the proposal from Boundary Line Research to perform the research on the unknown properties.  All were in favor.  

The results of the water testing performed on the well at Carpenter Park were reviewed.  While the water is acceptable for drinking water, the well does not have the capacity to be used as a provider to several wells.  The Board has been looking for a more permanent solution to the contaminated well on the Morse property, 85 Suncook Valley Road.  The Board agreed to contact the current Water Maintenance Company and seek options for upgrading the current reverse osmosis system in place.  Lisa will also contact an independent vendor for possible options.

Mistakenly omitted on last week’s minutes is the following information.  Mark Drew and David Kenneally were present during the discussion of Davis and Blackman Roads that took place at the July 6, 2004, Selectmen’s meeting.  Both gentlemen contributed to the discussion.  It was Mr. Drew’s opinion that all town roads should be treated the same, not a comment from Mr. Steven’s as stated in the minutes.   Lisa is grateful for this fact being brought to her attention and apologizes for any distress caused.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

The minutes of July 6, 2004 were approved as corrected.     

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 10:30pm.

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Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery

                                                APPROVED AS WRITTEN

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